Friday, November 30, 2012

30th November Edinburgh to New York

This morning I woke up in Edinburgh and tonight I go to sleep in New York. I can't quite believe that I am FINALLY in America!
I woke up this morning and had my last bacon, eggs and black pudding breakfast cooked by my Aunty Marti...about 9:30am I thought it might be a good idea to actually pack! We left for the airport at 10:30. Check-in was smooth as the airport was not busy...bag only weighed 19.9kg :) ...then we went and had a coffee. Then it was time to say good-bye...which is always sad because usually we don't know when we will see each other again...but not this time, this time we know we will be seeing each other in April when Aunty Marti & Uncle Rick come to Australia! I have had a wonderful time staying with them and I can't wait till they come for their visit!!!
It was a good flight from Edinburgh to London. At London I had a 4 hour wait till my flight to New York, so I had a wander through the shops...didn't buy anything! Then I went to one of the restaurants and had a ham & cheese panini and a coffee. Andrew's suggestion of filling in time in the prayer room was a good one...but I read my book instead!!! Then my Gate number came up on the screen and it said I needed to go to the transit train to get to my gate...was not expecting that, but it was simple. Because most of my flights have been British Airways, my flights have left from Terminal 5...a relatively new terminal built for the Olympics. The flight to New York was not full but the seats next to me were occupied. I watched 'Prometheus'...2 hours of my life that I won't be getting back, 'The Five Year Engagemet'...which was OK and lastly 'The Odd Life of Timothy Green'...which was also OK. It took a bit of time getting through customs because they scan your fingertips and take a photo of your eyes. I had no touble finding the Ground Transportation desk which organised my hotel transfer. Arrived at the Holiday Inn Express and I'm staying on the 26th floor. I didn't sleep on the plane so I'm now VERY tired as my body clock is telling me that it is 5:28am! So I am off to sleep now...and looking forward to what tomorrow might bring :)

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