Thursday, November 22, 2012

17th November Tower of London, Victoria & Albert Museum, Harrods, Hamleys, Les Miserables

The Tower of London was founded at the end of 1066 as part of the Norman Conquest of England. As a whole the Tower is a complex of several buildings set within two concentric rings of defensive walls and a moat. It has been a royal residence as well as a prison and has had both a bloody and cruel history.The White Tower was built by William the Conqueror in 1078. It was built to awe, subdue and terrify Londoners and to deter foreign invaders as well as provide a safe retreat for the Royal family. Its fearsome exterior today conceals some hidden gems including Henry VIII's armour. The Tower is also the home of the Crown Jewels. Included in the collection is the St Edwards Crown (1661) which is worn at the moment the monarch is crowned in Westminster Abbey and was last used at the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II's coronation in 1953. The Crown Jewels signify royal authority to lead and protect the nation. They truly are magnificent and sparkle brilliantly. The Tower functioned as a prison and for nearly 900 years traitors, kings, queens, saints and sinners have been held here against their will. The type of execution of the Tower of London prisoners depended on the severity of the crime and whether the prisoner was from the lower or higher classes...most executions were conducted in public. Some were tortured during interrogation and some suffered the most atrocious and painful deaths by being burned at the stake and being hung, drawn and quatered. Some of the tower prisoners, including in 1483 Edward V and his brother Richard, Duke of York...two young boys... disappeared and were murdered in secret. Some of the other famous prisoners held at the Tower include Ann Boleyn and Catherine Howard, wives of Henry VIII. It really is a place of great history and I love visiting here.
After visiting the Tower I headed for Harrods to do some last minute shopping. I got to see the Natural History Museum, but didn't have time to go in, they have an outdoor ice rink set up next to the building and it looked beautiful. I walked passed the Victoria and Albert Museum so went in and had a quick look at some of the medieval treasures held there. I then went up to Harrods which was packed full of people. I got my Christmas decoration and a couple of souveneirs and then got out of there. I then went to Hamleys (toy shop) which was even more crowded than I left there even quicker. Then I headed to the theatre to see Les Miserables, one of my favourite musicals. I am super excited for when the movie comes this got me in the mood! A VERY busy day but a good one :)

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