Saturday, November 10, 2012

1st November Pisa & Monaco

This morning we went to the city of Pisa to see the Leaning Tower in the Cathedral square. Again before we got there we watched a DVD which explained the construction of the tower and the steps they have taken over the centuries to prevent the tower from collapsing. The current method was to remove some of the soil from under the north side of the tower, which meant that the tower actually moved back about half a metre, it currently has a lean of 4.5 metres. We tried to take the usual photos of holding up the tower...attempted to anyway...and some of the group took the option to climb the tower and take in the view from the top. I didn't, instead I took in the views from the ground...seemed to become the 'group photographer' and snap everyone else holding up the tower and then I headed for a quick look inside the cathedral where Mass was being said as it was All Saints Day today. The meeting time back at the train was 10:00 o'clock and we were told that the road train would leave at exactly that time, and it would not wait. We have an older couple on the tour, Rob and Thea, who we have all kept an eye on (Thea has early dementia) just to make sure they make it back. Well today, I think we were all so concerned making sure we got back on time, that no-one kept an eye on them today...we figured that out when at 10:05 Patrick says to us all on the train, "has anyone seen Rob and Thea?" A couple of them ran back to see if they could find them, and thankfully they did...they had lost track of the time. So we ended up being a bit later to depart Pisa than expected! Another complication in our travels today was the fact that it was All Saints Day. It is a holiday in France and Italy and when the holiday falls on a Thursday the French and Italians take off the Friday and extend their weekend, this then meant more traffic on the road. Traffic problems have been a regular occurrence, so much so that once Patrick says that his GPS indicates no traffic problems we all moan...because within seconds of him saying that we have hit a traffic jam. 
This afternoon we left Italy behind and crossed the French border to the magnificent Riviera and the Principality of Monaco. We saw the extravagant yachts moored in the harbour and walked up the hill, passed the hair pin bend that is part of the Monaco Grand Prix, and up to the Monte Carlo Cassino. At the top of the hill we were given some free time to take a few pictures and explore the Casino. A couple of us went inside and put some money in the pokie machines...just to say we had! Then we headed back down the hill taking the scenic view past the yachts. Our meeting time was 5:15 at the carpark. We thought we knew the way back and were pretty confident, but as we got closer to 5:15 we started to worry that we had taken a wrong turn so we started to jog! There was about 8 of us so we weren't too worried as we were all going to be late together. The deal with the meeting time on tour is if you are going to be late, just ring Patrick and let him know...which we almost did but right on 5:15 we saw the carpark...we had made it! we got to Patrick, he asked us if we had seen Susie and Bob (a mother with her son who is on the Autism spectrum)...we hadn't...Mr Trafalgar was starting to worry. We had a booking at the perfumary and the bus really needed to go to make it. It was a problem because we weren't sure if they were lost or if they were just late, Patrick tried to call them but it went to their message bank...BIG problem!!! Patrick couldn't send anyone to look for them in case they got lost and he needed to stay at the meeting point if they came back and he was keen for the bus to get to the perfumary. He was ready to send the bus off and he was going to stay behind and wait. Time for strategic thinking...not hard if your a woman, but apparently harder if your a I suggested that I wait at the meeting point in case they return, he go back up the hill and see if they were lost up there and the bus be sent to the perfumary. Genius idea to a man...common sense to a woman. I had had no intention of going in the perfumary anyway as after Jess had been there I knew they use Jasmine in a lot of their perfumes and I didn't want to risk an allergic reaction. So the bus was sent to the perfumary, I waited at the meeting point and Patrick headed back up the hill. The deal was that if they came back to me, I would ring him and let him know, and if he found them he would get a taxi and they would come and pick me up. Well after quite a while Susie and Bob did in fact return to the meeting point, very apologetic but also relieved to see a familiar face. Next job was to ring Patrick and let him know that I had secured the escapees. Only problem was that when I called it went to his message bank...and we had found out in Venice that Vodafone texts won't go through to O2 UK phones but he could text me...then my phone lost service all together...what a crazy day this was turning out to be!!! I asked Bob if he had a phone and he said yes...but it wasn't turned on and he was worried using it because it was on my best Assistant Principal voice I gave the orders to turn on the phone and call Patrick. We finally got through to Patrick and he was relieved that they had turned up. After a few more texts and phone calls Patrick managed to get a taxi, came and collected us and we headed to the perfumary to meet up with the bus. He did tell us that he had been and reported them missing to the police...standard Trafalgar procedure! After the perfumary we then went into Nice and to a restaurant for dinner...definately 'wine o'clock'! What a day!!!! We get a sleep in tomorrow which is very much needed by many members of the group! I went for a walk tonight around Nice, just to get my bearings and be able to use my free time tomorrow efficiently. I am glad I have a good sense of direction and there is a certain amount of liberation in being able to find your way around in a strange city on your own...I'm doing pretty well I think!


  1. What beautiful pictures you got, especially love the one of the tower! Sounds like a drama filled day .. you definitely deserved that wine ;) Too bad to you didn't strike it rich at the Casino, you could have just sent a jet for me and I could have joined you! lol

  2. OMG !!!! what an exhausting day !!!! You sound like you would make a great tour guide yourself !!!! fun fun fun !!!!
