Tuesday, November 27, 2012

25th November Glasgow

As I have never been to Glasgow Brian and Tricia very kindly offered to take me there. It's always been on my to do list but just a place I have never got to...my Grandma was originally from here. First we went to the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum. It has 22 themed galleries displaying 8000 objects covering themes like natural history, arms and armour and art form many periods of history. The art gallery includes many European artworks including Old Masters, Impressionists (yep, some more Monet and Van Gogh), Scottish Colourists and the Glasgow School. It also houses 'Christ of Saint John of the Cross' by Salvador Dali. The gallery opened in 1901 and is built in a Spanish Baroque style using Dumfriesshire red sandstone. It is quite a spectacular looking building. While we were looking through one of the galleries a pane of glass around one of the displays exploded and shattered into a thousand pieces...high drama! mum told me that when she was a young girl she went to the circus at the park near here.
Next we headed to the Transport Museum, now known as the Riverside Museum. It was opened on the 21st June 2011 at Pointhouse Quay in the Glasgow Harbour regeneration district of Glasgow. They have over 3000 objects on display and visitors can climb aboard some of the exhibits and get a feel for vintage publi transport. These included trams, subway cars, a train carriage and a bus. They also have a recreated street from 1895-1930, plus two additional display areas depicting shops from the 1930's, right through the 1980's. Naturally we took our photos on the exhibits! You can't half tell from the photo of Brian and I that we are related! We also saw the Number 29 tram which Aunty Marti tells me that her and my Mum used to take to visit their Gran...a while ago now... afterall it is in a museum ;) Then we headed back to Aunty Marti & Uncle Rick's, where I got to spend a bit more time seeing the kids before they all headed home to get ready for work and school tomorrow! I really enjoyed spending time with Brian and Tricia...and I'm looking forward to them coming to Australia!!! (Even if it is a few years away)

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