Friday, November 23, 2012

20th November Arthur's Seat & Chiropractor

One of the problems travelling is that you sleep in a different bed, with a different pillow every night. Added to this is carrying heavy bags with you daily. Not really a problem I guess if you have a healthy neck and back! I didn't have too many problems whilst on tour as I was able to leave my camera bag on the bus and just take my camera, but in Paris and London there were days where I needed my bigger bag and unfortunately it has put my neck out. It has meant that I have a constant dull headache! I mentioned to Mum and Dad that my neck was out yesterday and this morning when I woke up there was an email from my Chiropractor with a link to a chiropractor in Edinburgh. So once we got ourselves organised we headed into Edinburgh in search of the chiropractor. When we found his room he was not open till 2:30pm so we went to a nearby shopping centre and wandered through the shops. It was great to look at all the different things they sell here that we don't get at home...I may have bought a couple of things!!! I may have to send home a few more boxes of things before I leave here (blush) far I've already sent home five! Then we headed back to the chiropractor, not even sure if I would be able to get an appointment. When I went in I explained to the receptionist that I needed and appointment and how I had heard about them via my chiro in Australia. It just so happened that they had a cancellation for the 3:00pm time I took it! They thought it was amazing that I had walked in off the street at just the right time! The chiropractor was a lovely young man originally from Canada. Did I mention he was young??? I don't know about you but I panic...just for a second...when a medical practioner is young...part of me wants someone with LOTS of experience if they are going to treat me. But...I was in pain and this is where my chiro sent in I went! After chatting for a while about my symptoms he got to manipulating my neck and spine. He had a different kind of table than Frank and did things differently, I thought he was going to snap my neck at one point! At the end he suggested I drink lots of water...something I hadn't been doing as much because on tour you just never know when the next toilet will be...and go for a walk. I had to make another appointment for later in the week. We then went for a drive around Arthurs Seat. Arthur's Seat is the main peak of hills which form most of Holyrood Park and it is an extinct volcano. It is situated in the centre of the city of Edinburgh and has great panoramic views of the city. It is apparently easy to climb, but today we drove around it. We then headed home...I'm still quite sore after my manipulation and the headache is still there. Tonight I am trying to catch up on my blog.

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