Friday, November 23, 2012

23rd November Edinburgh

Well! Well! Well! Will you look at the date!!! Yes that's right...after about 5 weeks of being behind in my blog, I have FINALLY caught up! My time in Scotland has meant that I could catch my more ways than one...and catch up! Today was the 'school pick-up' day so we headed off about 11:30 to pick up Emily from school. In Scotland, kids in the council run schools (which is all but the fee paying private schools) only go to school for half a day on Friday. On the way home we took the coast road and along the way we stopped so I could take a photo of these two witches that were sitting on a fence...halloween decorations...they were awesome! The scenery along the coast was's not raining today so the view was grand! On the way home we stopped at Tesco to get some things for dinner...and to buy Emily her magazine and toy from the machine! She had packed in her bag today a kangaroo and two koala's to show me...her Dad later told me she had searched through all her toys just to find them for me! When we got home Raymond was there and waiting for us but we had some lunch before they went and Emily and I played on my iPad for a while. Then it was time for them to head off to Emily's swimming lesson and we headed off to Dobbies. Dobbies is a garden centre...that has a considerable lot more than garden things. It has all sorts of, clothes, a huge eatery area, christmas decorations and a farm store that sells all kinds of food. We spent quite a lot of time looking through the christmas decorations...and I may have bought a few more (big blush)! They also had these cool displays, one was a group of Santa's singing and playing instruments and there was another one of polar bears that moved, they were fabulous. Then we had a look through the farm store and all the great produce...Mum you would love it...and we bought some black pudding for breakfast tomorrow :) Tomorrow night my cousin Brian and Tricia are taking me out for the blog will have to wait...but I'm really looking forward to catching up with them :))))) and tomorrow I get to meet Andrew..and check out Sarah's finger that she broke when she slammed it in the door of her Dad's car the other night!

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