Thursday, November 8, 2012

29th October Sorrento, Isle of Capri & Rome

This morning we were meant to be heading to the Isle of Capri by ferry and then returning to Naples by ferry after our island excursion. It has been raining and the seas were very rough, so rough that they had cancelled all ferry's going to Naples and at 7am in the morning they had also cancelled the ferry from Sorrento, which meant that we were not going to Capri. Patrick got word that the ferry from Sorrento was operating again, so we headed down to the port to attempt to catch the ferry. The seas looked quite rough and some waves even crashed over the dock where we were waiting. Then it started to bucket down rain, so we ran to shelter in a nearby cafe. My 'second' or it could even be my 'third'...I've lost count...umbrella died. I am not having ANY luck with umbrellas...thank God for the Rainbird jacket!!! We finally got the all clear to board the ferry but as we were trying to get to it many people got their feet wet as water from the sea was lapping over the walkways as well as the rain tumbling down from above. We headed upstairs but the seats out the back of the ferry were wet so a group of us headed inside, there were also a group of high school kids in there with us. So off the ferry went across to Capri. The waves were HUGE and the boat rocked and swayed and lurched from side to side, up and down over the waves. Then one of the workers on the boat started handing out plastic bags!!!!! At one point the engine cut out and we were tossed around over the waves like a cork bobbing on the water, many of us were a little worried at that point, we thought we were going to need the life jackets!!! Then the engine started up again and off we went...tossed around again...then the kids started looking VERY green!!! Next thing you know they were all throwing up into their plastic we got out of there and headed for the fresh air out the back of the boat. It took quite a lot of negotiating just to get out the back of the boat as we were still being tossed around. A few people from our group were also VERY ill and needed the plastic bags and bin!!! I wasn't sick...but boy was I relieved when we got ashore!!!! 
Just like has happened on most of our trip, the rain clears as we arrive for our walk. The Isle of Capri was beautiful and it it quite obvious why many celebrities like to come here. We were supposed to go on an optional 'relaxing' cruise around the island to see the spectacular cliffs and the turquoise coloured chance were we getting on another boat at that point...we were happy viewing the cliffs and water from the steady ground thank you very much...and there was NOTHING relaxing about the water around Capri today, so all of those cruises were cancelled. We went for a walk up to the Augustus gardens and had the most beautiful view of the cliffs. We then reluctantly boarded the ferry back to Sorrento to meet the bus before heading to Rome. Thankfully the sea was MUCH calmer on the way back and the trip was not nearly as long. We boarded our bus and headed for Rome.
By the time we arrived in Rome the sun was going down. We met our fabulous guide Cynthia...pronounced Chinthia...and began a walking tour through Rome. She took us to see the Spanish steps. This is the widest staircase in Italy and consists of 138 steps linking the Bourbon Spanish Embassy and the Trinita dei Monti church located above to the Holy See in Palazzo Monaldeschi located below. Next stop was the Trevi fountain. You throw your coin/s with your right hand over your left shoulder across your heart. They say you should throw one coin if you want to return to Rome, two coins if you want to marry, three coins if you want a divorce and four coins if you want to get rid of the mother-in-law! There were lots of people making wishes tonight! Next we headed for the spectacular Pantheon. This building was commissioned by Marcus Agrippa as a temple to all the gods of Ancient Rome and was rebuilt in 126AD by Emperor Hadrian. It is a circular building with a portico of large granite Corinthian columns. Inside, there is a coffered, concrete dome, with a central opening (oculus) to the sky which after almost 2000 years, the Pantheons dome is still the world's largest unreinforced concrete dome. Since the 7th century the Pantheon has been used as a Roma Catholic church dedicated to St Mary and the Martyrs. We were taken to Piazza Navona where suggestions were made for dinner. A group of us headed to have Pizza, I shared a seafood pizza accompanied with a lovely Chianti Classico. We were told of a delicious dessert called Tartufo, a chocolate gelato dessert...when in we all ordered sharing! It is made of two or more flavours of ice-cream with either fruit syrup of frozen fruit (usually raspberry, strawberry or cherry) in the centre. It is then covered in a shell made of chocolate. You could tell it was delicious because while we were eating, there was silence! On our way back to the bus before heading to the hotel we stopped for a glimpse of St Peter's Basilica which was lit up...breathtaking. I am so looking forward to going there tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm .. lets see. You didn't need to throw 1 coin since you are already returning to Rome next year. You don't want to get married again (well not right now anyway) so you wouldn't throw 2 coins, and you already have the divorce so throwing three is pointless. So would I be correct in guessing you threw four coins ;)
    The Tartufo looks delish! I have had it at an Italian restaurant here but I am sure it wasn't as good as that one. Loved the photos once again, and the night shots look stunning! Take care xx
