Sunday, October 21, 2012

Thursday 18th October, Amsterdam

This morning we left Belgium for Amsterdam. On the way we were able to see dykes (the hill kind that holds back water) and some windmills. When we arrived i Amsterdam (there was a bit of traffic) Patrick pointed out some of the sights along the way, but the best way to see Amsterdam was by boat, so we all left the bus and boarded a glass roofed boat and sailed the canals of Amsterdam. I was quite surprised by the number of canals, I didn't expect Amsterdam to have so many. The other thing that stood out about Amsterdam was the number of people riding bikes...they were EVERYWHERE, and even more so were the number of bikes parked along the road. They even have lanes for bikes...which can be mistaken for pedestrian pathways...and the bike riders get a little bit annoyed by pedestrians using their cycleways.
After our boat ride we stopped at a cafe and had a Heineken beer...well they make it here so I felt I needed to sample the local produce and support the European economy...and a goat cheese and rocket salad with dark wholemeal bread...delicious. After lunch we went to a 'coffee shop' to see what they had on offer...but we didn't try any 'coffee' ;)
Next we went to a diamond factory to see diamonds being made. Did you know that brilliant cut diamonds have 57 facets? This particular factory have patented a different cut that has 121 facets and its called 'Gassan'. I didn't buy any diamonds...mainly because the ones I liked were about 17 000 Euro! Yes I've been to see the diamonds, but in hindsight I would have preferred to ditch the diamonds and go to the Van Gogh museum. There is just not enough time to see and do everything...just means I'm going to have to come back.
Tonight we did a 45 minute walking tour of Amsterdam with a local guide, Herman. Herman took us for a walk through the infamous 'red light' district. It was early so there were not many girls 'on sale' as we walked past...I saw more than I needed to anyway!
Tonight most of the tour group went out for dinner in Amsterdam. I had melon and ham for an entree, salmon for my main and pancakes with orange syrup and ice-cream for dessert. It was all delicious!!! But the fun part is really getting to know the other people on tour, they have all been so nice and so far we all sem to be having a great time...but it is only day 2...let's see what I blog like about day 19!!!

Tomorrow we head for Germany!

1 comment:

  1. Just love love love !!! your blog ....its amazing how much you remember to write down !!! so happy for you that you have a nice group to travel with .... not any crazy drama queens so far !!! i bet it will be great till the end !!! shame you didnt get to Van Gogh ..Always next time !!!!
    sounds like the food is agreeing with you !!! & i'm guessing your dessert was crepes suzette xx take care my friend xx
