Friday, October 12, 2012

8th October Barcelona

We have been on the go for over two weeks now so we decided to have an easier day, so we did not set the alarm today and got to have a sleep in. We thought we would spend some time exploring the shops in Barcelona, particulary El Corte Ingles, a big Spanish department store. I bought a pair of jeans and a new shirt! We haven't done much shopping in Spain, mainly because when we stop for lunch at any destination it is usually siesta and lots of the shops are shut, so we have been going to restaurants and having nice lunches instead. There really has not been a lot of time for shopping in between travelling long distances and seeing the sights. And I know you all didn't want a tacky souveneir anyway! Today we decided to have a 'meal of the day' which is quite common in Spain. For a set price, anywhere between 8-15 Euro, you get a 2 or 3 course meal and a drink (including wine). Being our last day together we decided on the 3 courses!
We were also going to use our museum pass today and go and see the Picasso Museum, but of course it was Monday and it was closed. The only museum open today was the Museum of Contemporary Art so we wandered up there and spent the afternoon looking around and marvelling at the skills of the skateboarders who use the area out the front of the museum to skateboard.
Had churros for dinner! Will try and post a photo later!

1 comment:

  1. I would love to see Barcelona .... it was always my idea some day to get the overnight train from Bar to Paris...just something on my list xx funny how they cling on to old traditions like siesta in a modern society ....same in Italy xx i love it ....not so good for the tourist needing to shop ....but it gave you a chance to all relax & lunch on x Sounds as though you have had an amazing experience in Spain/Portugal xx all is good at home past your little piece of Australia every day an all seems secure xx we had the weirdest weather here on Friday ....freezing cold weather .....heavy snow as far down as Hazelbrook .....highway closed .....snow in bowral !!! it was quite Bizarre's still quite nippy here xx but sun is out now xx anyway better sign off ...loving your blog cant wait to read more xx love ya xx take care xx
