Friday, October 19, 2012

12th October - Mont Saint-Michel

Today we visited Mont Saint Michel. It is thought to date back to 708 when Aubert, Bishop of Avranches, had a sanctuary built on Monte-Tombe in honour of the Archangel Michael. The mount soon became a major focus of pilgrimage. In the 10th century the Benedictines settled in the abbey and a village grew up below its walls. It was an impregnable stronghold during the Hundred Years War and its ramparts and fortifications resisted all the English assaults. As a result, it became a symbol to the French of national identity. Following the dissolution of the religious community during the Revolution and until 1863 the abbey was used as a prison. Today visitors can view the splendour of the abbey that people of the Middle Ages regarded as a representation of the heavenly Jerusalem on earth, and image of Paradise. Yes it is paradise, although to some in our tour group, the steps on the way up were purgatory! But thanks to my personal trainer Kristy...I barely raised a sweat :). Did I mention the rain? Again it began to bucket down just as we arrived, but once we got into the abbey it soon cleared.
After Mont Saint Michel we travelled to St Malo. Here I had lunch with my new friends Jodie from Chicago and Laurie from St Louis, two friends who had been planning a trip to Paris together since their college days and who finally decided to take the trip to celebrate their birthdays. We all had Jambon and Champignon omellets!

1 comment:

  1. such a magnificent place !!! one of my fondest memories & am glad i climbed those steps as a 20 yr old xx hahaha. I remember when we were there the causeway was only open at certain times, as once the tides came in it was once again an this still the case today or have they raised a road ?? looks like you are having the best time nice you are making new acquaintances as well xx
