Friday, October 12, 2012

9th October - Adios Barcelona...Bonjour Paris :)

Today I left Linda and Barcelona and travelled to Paris. This was the first day of the solo part of my journey! I dragged my bag up La Rambla and caught the Aerobus into the airport. Checked in with no problems, went through security, bought a Barcelona fridge magnet (I had to get SOMETHING from Spain) and then headed for my gate...then realised that it was only 8:45am and not 9:45am so that meant I had time for breakfast. Strolled through more of the shops, then headed for the gate and started to catch up on my blog. I then realised that my plastic 'liquids' bag was missing! It wouldn't have mattered too much except that it had my prescription nasal spray in it and since I was feeling so run down I knew I was going to need it. The last place I remembered having it was at security, so I went back there and the information desk said I had to see the police officers, so I asked the two young police officers if they spoke English...of course only a little bit...they showed me all sorts of bags in their little office...none were mine, then they ran all over the place looking at each of the gates...but in the end we gave up. They were very helpful though. I thought that was it so I headed back to my gate. Then I remembered that after security I had stopped at some seats to repack my bag before I went into the shop to buy the fridge magnet, so back I went again! I asked the information desk near the seats and nothing had been handed in, so at this point I thought oh well that's it and I headed back to the gate. Then I saw on top of the enclosed bins near the seats my little plastic bag with everything still in it!!!! What a relief! Something then made me look at the screen for the flight details and my gate number had off I trekked to find my gate! I flew Vueling Airlines...bit like a Jetstar, flight was OK but my ears played up at take off and then my right ear did not pop at all on descent so the little I could hear was in stereo! It was awful. The train from Orly Airport was not working so a lady at American Express said I needed to take a bus to a train station and then get the train and metro from there. I had NO IDEA where I was going. Lots of people were gathered at the Orly I decided to just get on it and be taken to wherever it was going...I could have been going in the opposite direction for all I knew. After negotiating the ticket machine (better than the Japanese girl who I bought a ticket for because she couldn't) I struggled with the bag into the bus. The bus went to Denfert Rochereau...I had no idea where I was. I went up to the ticket counter at the train station and said to the girl that I needed to get to Paris...her response..."You are in Paris"! At least I was in the right area! She gave me a metro map and the directions for getting to the station near my hotel. So I then caught the train, then the metro (avoiding the circling pickpockets) and found myself at the staion near my hotel. Without lift or escalator in sight I trudged up many steps to the street...and eventually found the Hotel St Anne. I went up to my room which including the bathroom is not much biggerthan my study at home! I then to unblock your ears!!!! I then pulled myself together and wandered down towards the Louvre to find the place where my tours were leaving from and confirm my booking...which was just as well because the times were different and one location departure was different. Then I wandered up to Galeries Lafayette, huge big shopping complexes which have floor after floor of designer labels....WAY out of my league!!! I couldn't help marvel at the crowds of Japanese lining up outside waiting to be let into Chanel and Lois Vuitton...I'd like to know where they get the money from, because they were not purchasing just one item! I was exhausted and my body was aching and my ears were still not right so I collapsed into a cafe and got some dinner, then picked up a bottle of water and an eclair (I am in Paris) on my way back to the hotel. I was in bed and out like a light by 9pm!


  1. OH Susie !!!! what an adventure & half you have already had on your own !!! just getting to Paris exhausted just reading your post ......I think our trip will be be a little more relaxing... or ill have to join a boot camp to keep up with you !!! Sorry to hear your ears played up on plane xx hope its feeling better now lucky were you to find your little bag xx looks like you're loving Paris xx hope you get some time to just sit in a beautiful park somewhere & take in Paris life ...i used to like to go to the Luxembourg gardens .....artists with easels was one memory from there ..xx i loved the food in Paris...bread ...cheese .... patisserie OF COURSE !!! are they still selling pepper ateak with pomme fritte ?? or another Croque Monsiuer ( toasted cheese sandwich) anyway enough said .....enjoy enjoy enjoy !!!! chat soon xx

  2. Wow .. so glad you made it safe and sound to your hotel eventually, but what an exhausting trip it must have been! I hope you enjoyed that eclair :)
    Can't wait to hear more of your adventures in Paris xx
