Monday, December 17, 2012

7th December New York to San Francisco

This morning was an early least the earliest I have had in a while...I was picked up by the airport transfer at 7am and taken to JFK airport. It was self check-in at the United Airlines terminal...I hate self check-in! And they measure weight in pounds which makes no sense to me...but my bag was under the weight so all was OK! I went to a cafe at the airport for breakfast. I had French toast, maple syrup and bacon. They started boarding the plane at 10:15am but we didn't take off until about 11:20, so it was a while to wait. As I was getting on the air hostess was asking passengers to remove their coats from the overhead lockers until all bags had been stowed as they were running out of room. I think it had more to do with the fact that people carry two pieces of carry-on luggage here even though I'm sure I read on their website it says one! Here I am with my little bag....never breaking the rules...I think I might start!!!!! The seats on united airlines are narrow but there is definitely more room to comfortably stretch your legs out in front. You can also buy wifi...I didn't! I managed to find the airport transfer to the hotel...eventually! And then 'eventually' got to the hotel...almost two hours later...peak hour traffic San Francisco style and I was the last stop! My ears didn't pop on descent again, which I thought was going to happen. At War Horse the other night someone near me was wearing perfume that did not agree with me and my sinuses began to react immediately. I bought some Claratin but it always takes a couple of days to clear...and I didn't have a couple of days. I used the nasal spray, took the Claratin and chewed gum...but still they didn't least this time I knew how to pop them. By the time I got the the hotel I was exhausted, hungry and I had a huge headache. I dumped my stuff and went to find where my tour tomorrow was leaving from, which was just around the corner. I then headed down to the wharf to find something for dinner. There are lots of places selling clam chowder, crab and a range of different seafoods. I stopped at a place called Pompeii's Grotto and had the fried shrimp...and a glass of wine! I did feel a little better after I'd eaten so I went back to the hotel to get an early night. Tomorrow I go to Alcatraz! 
PS. Checked the hotel booklet...and found in the safety section about what to do in case of an earthquake! A bit freaked out by this possibility!

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