Friday, December 14, 2012

6th December New York

Today is my last day in NYC and I am a little has gone way too fast!!!! This morning I was booked into the 9/11 Memorial at the World Trade Centre. You have to reserve a timed place online before you go, they will not let you in if you have not booked. It costs nothing, although they do ask for a donation...and they are happy to take your credit card number! I think it's timed entry because they have so many people wanting to go to the site and they have airport like security that you have to go through and there is a lot of construction work going on in the area. I caught the subway to the World Trade Centre, picked up my ticket, waded my way through the many security checkpoints and eventually got into the Memorial site. They have created two big pools, the North Pool and the South Pool on the site wher the two towers stood. Around the edges are the names of all the people who died. It really is a beautiful memorial, very simple but I think that's what makes it so lovely. I heard a lady say 'what a sad place' but I didn't feel that, I thought it was a very peaceful and tranquil place and a fitting memorial for the people who lost their lives that day. 
There is still so much I want to see in New York and as usual I get to the end of the trip and then try and run around the city like a mad woman! But now I've worked out the subway thing I'm doing it with subway assistance which cuts down travel time! I hadn't been for a walk through Central Park yet so I headed up to the Museum of Natural History where I thought I would begin my walk through the park (about half way down), knowing full well that I would only get to see a fraction of it. I had also wanted to have a look at the dinosaurs at the Museum of Natural history but didn't think I had time, but standing out the front....I just went in! I knew it had to be a short visit so I headed straight upstairs to the dinosaurs. they also have a good display of a variety of stuffed African animals. I then headed for my walk through Central Park. While the city of New York is relatively safe, they did suggest not walking through Central Park at night so I was trying to make sure I got through it before then. This place is beautiful! In fact I think I found my 'happy place' in New York. It is just as well I left it to my last day here, because if i had come here first I don't think I would have seen anything else in New York! Personally, if I was looking to buy in New York...and I'm talking, had the money to buy anywhere I wanted...I would choose views over Central Park any day over views over the Hudson River. Now being winter here, most of the trees have lost their leaves, so this place would look very different again in the summer, but I thought the bare trees, as the sun was setting was spectacular. I didn't plan a route, I just took whatever path presented itself to me with the idea of making sure I was heading in the direction of the city. Along the way I stumbled upon lots of squirrels foraging for food as well as some lovely lakes and bridges, some of which I recognised from movies. I think there will be lots of movie watching when I get back home, because now I have a much clearer picture in my head of New York...locations will make more sense to me. there was a movie crew packing up while I was there but I'm not sure what they were shooting. I also stumbled upon Central Park Zoo...which I had forgotten was even there....and the seal show was on, so I took a couple of pics. There were lots of carriage rides waiting at the end of the park...but I just didn't have time! I took a few photos of the Plaza Hotel and then headed back toTiffany's. no it wasn't to make another chain is too short on my necklace so I went to see if they would lengthen it. Unfortunately they couldn't do it until 7pm and as I was hoping to go to a show I knew I didn't have time, but the lady said that the Sydney store would do it for me, although it may have to be sent away. In New York they can do it on site because as the flagship store they have jewellers there. I then made a quick dash across to FAO Schwartz...the toy store with the piano. I had a quick look through there...saw lots of things I could have bought Mia and the boys, but knew they weren't going to fit in the I settled on a Princess baby jumpsuit for Mia. I then headed for Bloomingdales, not to buy anything particularly, but just to say I had seen it. It was quite busy and they had some nice things but their Christmas decorations were very expensive for the poor quality they I didn't buy one! I then headed to the TKTS stand to get a ticket for Jersey Boys. I had seen it in Sydney but was keen to see it here in New York...considering it had all began for Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons not far from New York. 
It was quite cold in New York today, it was a beautiful clear day with lovely blue skies but there was an icy bite in the air. It was really cold walking back to the hotel so I stopped at Starbucks to get a hot chocolate. Now I love chocolate....especially the Cadbury peppermint kind...but I rarely drink hot chocolate, I just prefer to chew my chocolate, but tonight I needed to warm up so that's what I ordered....and oh my goodness! Now I know I could not live in New York during the winter...because I would be drinking way too much hot chocolate! It did the trick and I was warmed up in no time. back at the hotel i packed my bags as I have an early pick-up from the hotel in the morning to take me to the airport.

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