Sunday, September 23, 2012

Ola Barcelona!

I have arrived in Barcelona!

Check-in at Sydney airport was amazing! I was expecting huge queues and huge delays being the start of the school holidays but there were none. The fellow at customs said they were really busy...and it was...but lining up time was minimal. He also had a chuckle and comment about my profession....'leaving Sydney with all the other teachers!!!'

The flight from Sydney to Singapore was pretty good. Chose an aisle seat (well done Andrew) in the middle of the plane...and BONUS...noone in the seat next to me, so got to spread out a bit. Grabbed about 1 hour sleep. Watched 'Snow White and the Huntsman' and 'The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel' and a bit of 'Mirror Mirror'. "Like we're interested in what movies you watched" I hear you all saying!!!! Well, when you have an actor in the family...its important!

Landed in Singapore and got out to stretch the legs for about 45minutes and then re-boarded the same plane. And yes....BONUS...noone next to me on this leg of the trip either...yay! It was great to have that little bit of extra room. I had about 5 hours sleep on this flight, saw the end of 'Mirror Mirror', watched 'Dark Shadows', and episode of 'Game of Thrones' and saw most of 'The Lucky One'. Arrived in London and transferred to the flight to Barcelona.

Another good flight into Barcelona. Waited at the carousel for my bag...and waited....and waited....and waited....still waiting!!!!! My bag is still in London! Hopefully.....we will be reunited sometime later today! My transfer to the hotel spoke very little English. Hello, Goodbye, I love you....which he said many times when I gave him a tip! The hotel were great and let me up to my room, so I have been able to have a shower at least. Thank God for hotel shampoo! The rest of the CEO Group were due to arrive in Barcelona at 12pm so I am expecting them here sometime soon. So that's it for now...hoping to get out for a walk once the others get here and I'm thinking....Mojito!

Adios Amigos :)


  1. Glad your flights were good and it sounds like you caught up on a lot of movies! Bummer about the luggage, but I'm sure it will turn up soon. If not, you will just have to go shopping. Oh well ;)
    Can't wait for the next instalment xx

  2. The good thing if you have to go shopping is that BA should be paying for it.

  3. I'm showing your father how this works.
