Monday, September 24, 2012

La Rambla

This afternoon we took a stroll down La Rambla. We had been warned to be watchful for pickpockets but luckily we didn't encounter any. La Rambla is a street in central Barcelona, a tree-lined pedestrian mall that stretches 1.2km between Barri Gotic and El Raval and down closer to the port is the Christopher Colombus monument. Some amazing 'street performers who looked like sculptures' drew in the crowds.There were ships in port and a 'Herbalife' convention so it was a very busy place with people everywhere. We had a lovely pistacchio icecream and cold drink before heading back to the hotel.

And yiiipppppeeee, no more smelly clothes for me! The suitcase arrived!!!

Tonight it was drinks on the terrace overlooking the first Mojito :) Then dinner and now about to head for bed.


1 comment:

  1. Glad the luggage arrived safely, after all there are only so many times you can turn a pair of knickers inside out! LOL And that Mojito looks divine!
